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Reduce Cellulite with SmoothShapes

Cellulite has been something that has plagued women, and some men, since the beginning of time. A few years ago, the common consensus was that cellulite was just a natural part of the aging process and that nothing could be done about it. Now, researchers and the general public realize that in addition to being unattractive, cellulite is simply unnecessary. There are many options that are available for non-surgical professional cellulite reduction. One option that is gaining in popularity is the SmoothShapes® procedure.

As its name implies, this procedure is designed to smooth out the shape of individuals who are dealing with cellulite. It is designed to change the lives of individuals who have been battling with embarrassing cellulite. It is not simply designed to treat cellulite, but it is also designed to treat cellulite and create long-lasting results. This is very different from what you see with a lot of the cellulite creams or procedures on the market. Many of these treatments are designed to mask cellulite temporarily, only to have it rear its ugly head in short order.

Many people have seen firsthand how this procedure is above and beyond what is being used currently. What’s nice about the SmoothShapes® procedure is that it addresses something that everyone is concerned about. Cellulite is not something that just older ones are concerned about. It’s interesting that there was a report that was published that said that in the United States, approximately 80 percent of women will battle with cellulite at one point or another in their lives. Cellulite can affect people if they are thin or if they are overweight.

The SmoothShapes® procedure is especially great in parts of the country where women are almost required to wear skirts for work or where the temperature encourages them to wear shorts. Wearing skirts or wearing shorts and battling with cellulite do not go hand-in-hand.

SmoothShapes® works because it counteracts the way that cellulite is produced. Cellulite happens when engorged fat cells get stuck in the fiber network in your skin. There are a lot of genetic factors as well as physical factors that can determine how likely it is that you will have cellulite and how prevalent it is.

The SmoothShapes® procedure works to liquefy the fat that causes cellulite. It also encourages your lymphatic system to work overtime, thereby draining the liquefied fat away and removing the appearance of cellulite.

Schedule a consultation at Amachi Med Spa in Marietta to see if SmoothShapes® can work for you. Contact us today to book an appointment!

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